Since I seem to have stirred the proverbial pot a bit, I think I'll add
a bit more. 

I was really looking forward to using StarBasic/Openoffice.orgBasic and
learning a new productivity tool with the key word here being
productivity. So lets grab a 3 line VBA macro that is about as simple
as I can find, don't want to jump in at the deep end. I know a bit of
VBS but am completely new to VBA.

Here is the VBA macro. 

Sub Monday()

     Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True

End Sub

So I can work out what this macro likely does.
1. Select a range of cells between A47 and AL126
2. Print (to the printer) the selection.
3. Save the file.

It is all pretty plain English and straight forward. So lets look at
how to handle it in OO.oBasic - Which after some considerable
searching, I finally found.

Sub Monday
dim selectedareas(0) as new 



End Sub

Which is far less intuitive and doesn't even address the save. So
anyway lets be fair, this might be a one off after all, lets look in
"Porting Excel/VBA to Calc/StarBasic". Almost every example given is
longer and more complex in Calc/StarBasic. Page 18 gives a great
example, a VBA script takes about a third of a page and the SB takes
about two thirds of a page but add in the user defined function and it
really takes 2 and 2/3rds pages. 

Why are macro languages included in applications like Calc/Excel. Well
there are many different answers depending on your personal
requirements but I believe that in the majority of cases, they are
there so users can do a bit of customization and automation of their
work function. Lets face it the macro example above was real world and
is the type of thing some users want to achieve. Not super complex but
functional enough to be useful. 

So why put such long winded and therefore from an end users perspective
complex language in OO.o? I mean you might just as well have put C++ in
there as far as the typical user is concerned it makes no difference.
My guess is that because OO.o was written by tech heads, they got to
choose what THEY like and to hell with end users (They'll just have to
learn - yeah sure!!!). This strategy is fine if you only ever want tech
heads to use your software. For the rest of the world, Microsoft is
empowering them by giving them something so easy, even they can use it.

I am sure that OO.o software is some of the best written code around
but it seems that not enough thought and effort has been given to the
overall concepts and target groups. I am well aware that the choice of
language was largely determined by the huge influence of Sun
Microsystems which is to be expected, but the problem however still
remains - you are throwing gibberish (from the users perspective) at
the users and they run away. 

Imagine it from a IT managers perspective. We introduce OO.o and now we
need to get a whole lot of high skill, hence high paid programmers in
to convert/write/maintain all our users macros. Every time a user needs
a macro they have to come to the IT dept to write it for them. IT
managers are Trying to reduce staff numbers and costs not increase
them. Now with VBA, most run of the mill IT guys can knock something up
or decode an existing macro. Even the average user can get something
simple going or modify an existing macro. Add to this the huge amount
of sample macros on the net and it becomes even easier. Now I
acknowledge that there is quite a few sample SB macros on the net (but
still a fraction of the VB/VBA/VBS sample code) and that not having so
many people using your product puts you at a disadvantage, but that
just means that you have to be a bit cleverer in the way you deal with
the issue. Making your macro language so complex is NOT being cleverer,
it is being arrogant and in my experience, people hate arrogance.

Sorry to all those whom I have upset but if you are objective (and not
religious) about this, you may be able to see my point of view. 

I still am optimistic about OO.o but just a bit jaded so far. After all
who can say no to free software?


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