On 2005-05-28 01:13:19, Jonathan Kaye wrote:
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En/La Michael Sammartano ha escrit, a 28/05/05 06:53:
| Just remove the directory. It it may be located in either your /etc
| directory or in /opt
| I am running SuSE 9.1 and it is located in /opt with a link from /etc
| Regards,
| Mike
| Kazunari Hirano wrote:
|> Hi all,
|> Does anybody know where "Instructions for *Uninstalling*
|> OpenOffice.org 2.0 Beta for Linux" is? :)
|> Thanks,
|> khirano

If you installed the RPM packages, then removing the directory is not what you need to do, as that will leave your rpm database out of sync with your system - and if you wish to reinstall could give you problems.

**IF** you installed the rpms you probably know this already, but for those who installed from a script and don't know how to remove them,
a simple command to remove them would be somehting like the following:

        rpm -ev `rpm -qa | grep "openoffice.*1\.9\.104*"`

(if you are not used to doing this, notice that there are 2 types of quotes in the above, the regular quotation mark ["] and the backwards
quote mark [`]).

The above example is for the 1.9.104 release - for the 1.9.100 release,
change the 104 to 100, etc.

You do have to remove the OOo directory from your home directory, a task which can be accomplished (using the above example, still) by doing a simple:

        rm -rf ~/.openoffice.org1.9.104

BTW, don't remove this last directory if you think you are going to reinstall that release UNLESS you don't mind re-doing all of your personal settings.

Hope this helps :-)

william austin

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