Peter Reaper wrote:

Joseph Roth on 31.05.2005 17:54 wrote:

Peter Reaper wrote:

3. It is too cumbersome to add toolbar buttons that are not in the standard set. The user should be able to just select a category on the left (which BTW should mirror the MENU items) and then on the right have a list of ALL functions in that category which he can drag to the toolbar.

This would be personal preference, I'm comfortable with what it does.

No, it's a *measurable* decrease in efficiency, and therefore should be fixed.

Sorry but that makes no sense. How often do you change your toolbar, once? Twice?

So if you do a thousand things once or twice, is it stil lOK to have these tasks be cumbersome and unintuitive? What if you really wanted to do something, and couldn't figure out how, because the complexity is beyond your capabilities. You'd go back to the other program you're more familiar with...

Now let's be fair here. We're talking about toolbars and how their handled not everything else that I might have to do once or twice in my life. I have customized the toolbars and can get what I want up there and remove what I want quickly and easily. If I don't want it up I can either I click and drag if off or remove it by highlighting and clicking the 'remove' button from the customize window that pops up. There is nothing cumbersome or unintuitive about the 'add' and 'remove' buttons

7. Context menus need to be much more powerful (more items) and CONTEXTUAL.

I'm wondering how difficult it would be to make them customizable in a way similar to the toolbars. That way you can satisfy everyone, those that don't need everything there and those that do.

That would be bloat. Make sensible defaults and don't try to make OOo into a swiss army knife. At most have a *universal* option: "Simple UI" and "Advanced UI". Offering convoluted options is often a co-out for not thinking hard about UI issues.

Yes, but in a possible user field of millions who defines 'sensible defaults'.

That's what (hopefully competent) *leaders* are for.

Yes but what if they don't choose your way?

Now your UI options, in my opinion, would be bloat,

What "options" exactly are you refering to?

The 'Advanced' or 'Simple' UI options you mentioned above.

I'm asking to customize context menus, you want a whole 'nother UI.

Not just "'nother", *better*. ;-)

Lol, we all want that.

Let's just all be satisfied with mediocrity then, because it's just a "different way of doing things". No, every aspect of OOo must be evaluated on its merits. The *last* resort should be deciding on what most users apparently want, after an objective analysis has failed

I've mentioned that I'm satisfied with what they've done cause it easily gets the job done for me, yet you call it mediocrity,

No, I was pointing out that your method of justification justifies and encourages mediocrity. I was not calling OOo mediocre.

Ouch, just because someone is satisfied with a product doesn't mean they settle for mediocrity or encourage it. There are some things worth changing and then there are others that aren't. I have said I don't use it constantly but when I do use it I can get done what I want without wasting alot of time.

so who's right?

Me, of course. :-P

Lol, How'd I know you were going to say that.


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