I know most of you will think this idea is lame and far fetched and I'm just a wishful thinker.

Would it be possible that we, as a group with all our collective backgrounds in software development, could actually gather enough irrefutable evidence so that it might be presented to a judge to prove this patent is bogus and should not have been issued?

Alright!  I'll just bend over and you guys can kick. Go ahead ... ;-)

Alex Janssen

Lars D. Noodén wrote:

One problem is the junk patent which is far too vague and covers obvious developments and covers prior art. Two perl modules come to mind right off "Storeable" and "Data::Dumper";, I'm sure there are other serialization modules in C libraries or even Pascal if one wants examples going back to the 80's or late 70's.

The other is the general problem of sw patents. Which cost millions to over turn. There was a conference on the topic in Brussels last year in November and the lawyers there indicated that based on actual costs, it runs about $4 million to throw out a bad patent. So what it alsmost comes down to is a contest of which team has more money.

SW Patents are a threat to *all* small and medium businesses. SMB is anything with < 1 billion per year -- so that means pretty much all European business. And most of those don't have a spare $4 million every quarter to throw out the bad patents.

A third problem is that MS is putting on a huge marketing / mindshare campaign right now and is doing everything possible to distract or confuse the public in regards to OpenOffice and OpenDocument.

    Software patents harm all Net-based business, write your MEP:

On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Alex wrote:

Now having re-read the proper patent. I still don't see how they could be awarded a patent on what appears to be nothing more that converting a data structure defined in one file to a serial stream in another file. Sounds like storing a record in a database to me. :-\ I think Borland was doing this back in the early 90s in BP7, storing object instances on a data stream. I'll have to check on that. But it seems so overly simple. Like someone getting a patent on how you dump cerial into a bowl in the morning changing its format and then back into the box when you change your mind. You've done it thousands of times and now someone comes along and gets a patent on it. Wouldn't this procedure be considered in the public domain?

Alex Janssen

Sander Vesik wrote:

So please englighten us, what about the patent is all that old?

you seemto be seeing just soe fragments and not teh whole - recognising well-known tree species but not that you have wondered up to a forest you havne't seen before

Its not that teh patent is something incredibly novel or innovative or that parts of it (or possibly all) probably won't be upheld in court or that there definitely won't be prior art - its just that it is not (as far as software patents go in this regard) somehow entirely bogus or preposterous or would cover all (or even a fraction of) computer-computer communication as people have been claiming.

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