Shoshannah Forbes wrote:
> Mathias Bauer wrote:
>> I hoped to get some comments on my idea to use a document specific
>> property wether the title should be displayed or the file name, until
>> now to no avail.
> If such setting would travel with the document (.i.e.- I email the 
> document to someone, and when he/she opens it they get the same setting 
> that I set), I think it is a good solution. It will be good if the user 
> can set the default (or at least save it in a template) as well.

Exactly, it should be a document property stored in its metadata. I
agree that such a setting needs a default.

I'm still wondering if the situation you described (receivers of this
document also see the title instead of the file name) is good or bad, I
tend to see it as good.

If the creator of the document wasn't able to create a file name showing
the title she wanted and so sees the title as the "real name" of the
document it should be correct that others also see the title in the
caption bar, not the file name.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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