On 2005-07-03 14:57:15, Peter Kupfer OOo wrote:
KamiHĂ­r wrote:

In my opinion, the defect word fit more the problem, because it cause data loss without warning.

If the program is doing what it is "supposed to" from a programming stand point, it is not a defect.

If the program is not logical or intuitive, that is and RFE.

Without warning? Its says VERY clearly on the help screens - set offwith a large exclamation mark to warn the user:

 If you save a copy of a file that contains version
 information (by choosing File - Save As), the version
 information is not saved with the file.

While I understand the original poster's complaint/request, I must disagree with his statement that the current methodology is a "bug". As versions of a document created using OOo are retainable in the ".odt" document, nothing is actually lost, and I therefore do not see a bug.

After looking at the code for a few days to see what could be done to add the enhancement (call it an exercise in curiosity), I can see that this would not be a simple, easy, or automatically-problem-free enhancement. Especially for folks like me who use the "save as" feature routinely to get rid of info which might be saved in a retained version of the original in order to give the "clean" copy to somebody else.

(And BTW, this is also used by a lot of folks with whom I work using msword under win2k/nt/xp - which has exactly the same behavior...)

Personally I'd rather see the effort which might be required on this feature spent on some other, more pressing problem.

My 3 Groschen worth ...

william austin
"have you hugged your polar bear today?"

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