My $0.02 worth is to assist people to assist themselves. In other
words (and following the general belief held in open source circles)
you give enough information to people for them to find answers for
themselves. This is better than giving them the answer directly...

People who are then willing to find out and are genuine will then go
and find out the answers, those that aren't won't bother.

This, of course, is tempered with how much time I've got to reply to
people. If I've got lots, the details I offer will be more than if
time is short...

Its up to the individual person, however all questions should
generally be on topic for the particular email list....


On 7/7/05, Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> G'day OOo folks,
> I've been reading through recent posts in
> Some seem a little mischievous, i.e. I wonder if they are from genuine
> frustrated users or attempts to discredit the OOo effort?
> And how much help should the group offer? For example there is a thread
> from one user who has difficulties navigating directories from within a
> DOS (cmd) shell. From the examples being given the syntax used seems
> wrong. Should the group be offering to help with basic command line usage?
> How long is a piece of string? <g>
> --
> Pierre
> Worrigee, NSW,
>     ,-._|\
>    /  Oz  \
>    \_,--._/
>          v
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