Richard/g wrote:

El Thu 14 Jul 2005 21:12, Alex Janssen escribió:
Jacqueline McNally wrote:
All, 1.1.5rc is ready for you to download now.
I'm confused.  I mean, really confused, now!

There are two branches: The old, stable branch: OOo11x has had some bug fixes and incorporation of code to allow it to read (not store) the new OpenDocument format as well as all the others. Many people prefer to stay with the proven, stable branch until the new version proves itself in actual use. Many prefer to just have a version work as expected --especially if you roll out several thousand seats at a time. The new branch: OOo2 is where the new version is being developed; in a separate branch from the old, stable branch. Happens all the time in the best of software environments.
All right, I'm all straightened out now. I haven't thought about 1.1.4 since 1.9.87, though.

Thanks for the explanation.  I'm sure others appreciate it as well.


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