Quoting Rigel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Rigel wrote:

I was just thinking... You know. That it could be based sort of on the same method as the rest of the web. People can quickly find what their looking for, by following links around the wiki, and that members could be allowed to update the content accordingly. This would provide a fairly open, method of documentation creation, and collection. I was thinking that it would be better used to build the reference material, versus providing it, and perhaps provide an interim documentation source until the guides are ready to be published. That's all.

We have 42 chapters published for OOo v1 and 46 for OOo v2. How many more do you need before you can call them "ready to be published"?


Err... Daniel? I didn't mean to be offensive... It was... Just a
thought.... Rigel

I mean that what Rigel tried to encourage is a wrapper site that will compile
and get 'the guide' compiled and printed as opposed to the decoupled form of

BTW OOoAuthors is looking great and now it also look more internationalized.
Alexandro Colorado
Co-Leader of OpenOffice.org Spanish

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