On 2005-07-31 15:32:41, J. Robert Lennon wrote:
Hi there--

Just wanted to drop a suggestion regarding the upcoming version of OpenOffice... I LOVE this program, especially writer, and regard it as superior to MS Word...except in one instance: page numbering. I want to be able to insert page numbers in a document OUTSIDE the margin formatting, and I want to be able to start at any number, not just "1". Unfortunately the offset command doesn't seem to work, the footer steals page space from the main body, and all of this takes half a dozen commands to execute. I have to load things into Word just to print, because I often print separate chapters of a large document-in-progress (in my case, a novel). Please provide an easy page number insertion command in the next version!

This one is alaready easy. Already have a page header or footer? Great. Create a small frame and anchor it to one of them. Put it *ANYWHERE* on the page (inside/outside margins, headers, or footers - it really doesn't matter). Put the page number in it. You're done, and it's on every page. (Do the same with right and left pages if you're doing those.)

Don't have a header or footer on the page? No problem. Add one with an offset of 0" and as small as OOo will allow (this is from memory - I think it's probably going to be 0.04" (a little less than 3 printers' points). Anchor to it. Same trick. Again, you're done.

BTW, you can set the page number, too - I know it's possible because I have documents where I have accidentally done it. I just don't have a clue as to what I did to do it (and never needed to know so didn't bother to try to look it up). Also docs from other formats (other wp progs) do translate without hosing the "reset" page numbers, so I'm sure it can be done. Although I admit that I haven't seen it in the docs anywayer.

Anybody know how to change (reset) a page number easily? Oops, I see that Justin Fitzgibbon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> just posted the how-to on that.

- william

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