On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 03:38 -0400, Lars D. Noodén wrote:
> I'm not much for conspiracy theories either, anything that requires much 
> planning or accuracy is doomed.
> It's been hard to find articles that are more than just re-writes of the 
> Register piece (or whatever they used).  However, it does seem that a 
> common theme in the earlier articles was problems of interoperability. 
> that suggests that since all the other depts. were running only MS, they 
> were unwilling, unable or both to work with CPS.
> In short, it's likely that they're simply paying the cost of vendor 
> lock-in and/or rewarding bad behavior.

And fear and lack of confidence, lack of willingess to persevere with
change etc. Change is hard. If it wasn't it would all be done yesterday.

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