On Tuesday 06 September 2005 10:44, + Tomas Nopp wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> Hi,
> is there any plans or talk about making it possible to use OpenOffice as
> an online tool? What I mean is that OO will reside on a server from
> which you can run its applications by accessing them via internet. Like
> this you don't need to install it on the machine you are using. There
> are a number of reasons why this could be a useful feature like
> traveling, mobility, space problems and so on...

This is really not a function of an office suite but rather a function of a 
"remote terminal" type of application. Have a look at NX from NoMachine.com 
where you can connect to a linux server on a server farm from any computer 
over the internet (including DSL and ISDN connections).

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CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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