On 9/23/05, Charles Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We've been using OOo2 exclusively in our office with essentially ZERO
> problems for the last 6 months, so don't know where that 'mythological
> beast' comment came from. The dev builds of OOo2 have been *much* more
> stable than *any* of the OOo1 builds ever were, at least in our small
> office of 40 users, and with much less file format compatability issues
> to boot.

Exactly - you've been using a developer snap-shot beta build for 6 months. A
beta build of a program that was supposed to be production ready over a year
ago. 2.0 is still very much vaporware. I'm sure 2.0 will be great - if it
ever happens.

Why not simply create an OASIS file filter for Microsoft Office that
> anyone can d/l and install with just a few clicks of a button? Then, to
> get *FULL* file format interoperability, all a MSO user has to do is
> install the filter.

Go ahead. Please feel free to create it.

-Chad Smith

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