My installation of OOo 1.4 on Debian (Debian packages were used) suddenly
stopped working. When I try to open the program it starts executing, but
then it craches and will not open.
I've looked at the syslog and dmesg but I cant find anything except a syslog
message that says "unable to open socket", but I'm not absolutely sure this
has something to do with OOo. I've tried to uninstall (apt-get --purge
remove) and reinstalling. This does not help.
How can I set up a more extensive logging of the startup prosess of OOo?
Has anyone had this problem before?
The program was workong flawlessly for a long time, and I can not recall
doing anything to it, except regular apt-get upgrade on the Debian system.
All input appreceated!

Hans Poppe
Oslo, Norway
Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallecere culpa!

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