Daniel Carrera wrote:
Chad Smith wrote:

That is *exactly* why Google *has to* abide by the laws of the land. Other wise they *would be* guilty of a crime. Filtering out the word "Democracy"
is still nothing remotely similar to building the "showers" in Auschwitz!
Filtering search results based on the demands of the local government *IS

So you wouldn't be opposed if Google started filtering out reports on the Iraq invasion based on a request by the US government?

If the US government made it clear that they would forcibly shut down Google if Google did not co-operate, I wouldn't complain about /Google/.

Co-operating with the demands of the Chinese government is the price of doing business in China /at all/.

On the other hand, Chad's facile argument that co-operating with a brutal tyranny "is not a crime" because the word "crime" is subject to the tyranny's definition is, frankly, nothing short of disgusting. We had that out in 1945-49.

John W. Kennedy
"Information is light. Information, in itself, about anything, is light."
  -- Tom Stoppard. "Night and Day"

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