On Mon October 10 2005 11:29, + Simon Kibavuidi Nsiangani wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> Hello,
> I currently am working, with Patrick Andries from the UNICODE
> consortium on submitting a request for UNICODE support for Mandombe
> script.
> I would want to know if anything can be done (an how this can be done)
> to include this support in OpenOffice.Org.
> Mandombe is currently used in DRC, Congo, Angola, Gabon, Botswana,
> Nigeria, Liberia ... by a growing community.
> However, most people in this community don't hav access to IT, because
> of lack of langual representitivity.
> We are therefore working on including support for Mandombe and native
> languages trough this scripts (which has support for tonal languages)
> in a custom linux distribution.
> We would like to include OpenOffice in this distribution since it is
> probably the best microsoft concurrent in opensource/free community.
> Our goal is to provide populations with an alternative to microsoft
> threat which is growing dangerous in these countries: well, at this
> time microsoft is willing to touch african countries too, and therefore
> planning to integrate native languages into next windows oses.
> Of course, as you may know, African countries don't have legal
> background to contain microsoft's politics yet. Therefore prevailing of
> opensource might save people some disagreements and contribute to
> generating initiative in IT.
> Basically, there now is an opentype font for mandombe. However,
> mostfeatures don't seem to work with openoffice (as with most software
> though) and that is the part we would need help for.
> The font itself is working under Adobe creative suite and was generated
> with fontlab 4.6.
> At this time we don't know about any other software that can corretcly
> display the features of the font, which are mostly ligatures.
> eg: b + a -> ba (ba is a ligature of b and a).
> We are currently working on that matter with pango too and it would be
> great if we could distribute something good by the beginning of the
> next year.

It sounds to me that you should be talking to some of the developers. Since I 
am not sure which one or which group, please email dev@openoffice.org

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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