>>I feel that sometimes 
>>it is unreasonable to expect that they will, or even can, fill in a
>>formal bug report.  I think that we should have several
>>Moderators/Intermediarys who can communicate with and  "translate" the
>>reports from simple end users into actual Issuezilla reports.

After the conference in Canberra in April this year there was some
discussion of having a problem work flow something like:

1. User searches a knowledge-base (the link is Jonathon's
knowledgebase): http://mindmeld.cybersite.com.au/index.php 

If user finds solution - problem solved.

2. A button on the page posts the question to the user mail list.

3. Volunteers update the knowledgebase, if necessary, and reply to the
sender, or

If the problem was a bug than the volunteer would enter the bug into
IssueZilla, and inform the user of the action.

4. Volunteers would need to check the correctness of the knowledgebase.

Unfortunately I don't think anything happened. But, maybe now is a good
time to raise the issue again. Sun have now provided wiki space and I am
transferring the wiki on writing extensions to this wiki. So, maybe
having an official knowledgebase and a problem workflow similar to above
maybe more feasible.

What do you think of such a work flow?
Do you have suggestions for improvement?
Do you have any alternative ideas?

Ian Laurenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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