Friday, October 28, 2005 Jonathon Blake wrote:

> Giuseppe wrote:

>> > you can't have multiple character styles for the same text

>> Is this really?

> Depends upon what is meant by "can't have multiple character styles in
> the same text".

I mean "you cannot apply multiple 'soft' character style to the
same text section".

> I've written documents where I liberally tossed Greek, Hebrew, Latin,
> Chinese, and Afrikaans together into the same sentence. I've also
> had each letter in a word in a different color by using different
> character style for each letter.

> Now if you want pink Russian, followed by a purple Russian chracter,
> you can do that, but have to create a pink Russian character style and
> a purple Russian character style.

So you cannot have multiple character styles, although you
can of course emulate this feature by creating all the style
combinations you need. Clumsy.

>> Coming from WordPerfect,

> WordPerfect is based on text streaming, so style effects can be
> cumulative.  OOo is based on objects, so style effects are not
> cumulative.

Styles being cumulative or not is not a property of the
nature of the content model (stream vs object), it's a
property of the specific model. Indeed, even in OOo you can
have multiple hard style changes (manually apply bold,
manually change font size, manually change language): the
exact same principle *could* be used to obtain multiple soft
styles applications. But the specific OOo implementation
doesn't do this. So it's a limitation of OOo[1].

This wouldn't be any different from the way CSS does
property inheritance, and how it works on HTML elements, for
example. And HTML (or XHTMl, if you want a more rigorous
specification) is an object oriented format in the same way
as OOo is.

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

[1] I'm cursious to know if this is a limitation of the ODF
spec too, or not; after all, the ODF can currently express
things OOo can't handle, like full rich text formatting in

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