Andrew Brown wrote:
Ian Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thank you for demonstrating your inability to grasp basic concepts even after they've been explained a dozen times to you.

Guys you are wasting your time. I have been working in education for 27
years and beleive me, Chad is a lost cause. Anything beyond the
immediate and concrete is a mystery to him. Let's not waste time

This is just silly. I know people are winding each other up here, accidentally or not; but Chad has some grasp of the way the outside world actually thinks which we need in this discussion. At least he sees the immediate and concrete very clearly. And I'm sure he does understand the attractions of the abstract and distant future where you and Daniel appear to live, just as I do. But there's no reason to suppose we will get there from here and lots of people on these lists talk as if there wasn't even a gap to overcome.

I agree.

Even though I find Chad seems to think MS is perfect, that is his opinion. I have had so many headaches and witnessed so many others with Word that Writer has fixed or solved, that I cannot support MS Office.

But as I work on more complicated spreadsheets, I find that OOo lacks features that Excel (which I hate) has. I would prefer that Calc went towards Quattro Pro as this has been the best spreadsheet software package that I have ever used. So much better and easier than Excel.

Robin Laing

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