Rick wrote:
 Someone also mentioned "entry level" computers still being offered with 256
RAM. Can someone define "entry level" for me? Is the same basic computer not
"entry Level" if it offers 512? What are other differentiations to look for?

"Entry level" == cheap, commodity pricing, and new. Specifically aimed at the not-rich home market. ("The kid needs a computer to do school work, ok, what's cheap?") The Linspire computers, at, what, $200?, are entry level. Anything that's powerful enough to run the current hit games, or the entire suite of office apps (including the expensive ones that are used at most companies, is, by definition, not "entry level".

Why the Libertarian idea of a privatized courts won't work,
from a slogan from Kenya: why bother hiring a lawyer, when
you can buy a judge?

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