on 11/04/05 07:52 'Johan Vromans' wrote:

"G. Roderick Singleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Legitimate authors do NOT need to spam mailing lists to generate sales.

I think you are slightly overreacting. As far as I can see, Mary
pointed us at a book that may be interesting for OOo people. She
just happened to be the author.

I have read Mr. Singleton's posts in these forums for a long time and have interacted with him upon occasion. I do not think he was overreacting. Had the original poster any history at all of helping out in these forums, I think he might have reacted differently, though I leave it to him to verify that or not - I would not presume to speak for him.

I also happen to agree with his entire post in this thread.

In conclusion, I see that you and maybe some others think that by
abusing the OOo mailings lists for a personal profit is okay, I do

I may be too optimistic, but I believe in people's good intentions first.

If she had spammed 500 mailing lists with this, or had she posted this
message for days in a row, I would tend to agree with you.

There's a new book on OOo, and Mary pointed us at it. I see no problem
with that. Why not ask Mary for a copy, and post a review?

And do not forget that when you buy a book, there's _mutual_ benefit.
The author gets (a tiny amount of) money. You get a book with valuable

I do not think the list - nor particularly Mr. Singleton - needs to provide the author with validation. The author, however, ought to provide the list with some sort of validation before accosting the list with a blatant marketing attempt.

Spam certainly does not require days of repetition to qualify. A single instance is sufficient.


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