Thanks Paul.

Since posting the original question I discovered a bug for this issue
has already been reported.

Paul wrote:
> For me (winXP-pro) it works sort of ok.
> Putting a picture as a tiled background to the page using OOo, saved
> as .odt, then re saved as .doc. Reopening in word the background was
> still there.  Things that didn't work so well :
> - The graphic, when displayed in word were not the same proportions as
> what they were in OOo. This had nothing to do with the 'tiling' of the
> picture, since I redid it and the distortion remains. Word seems to
> try and stretch the graphic over the entire page.
> - In word, the graphic is displayed over the whole page. In word the
> graphic is only displayed over the same area as occupied by the text.
> This means that you get a square of non graphic around the outside
> according to the set margins.
> HTH, /paul
> On 11/9/05, Chuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Can someone else please check this out for me and make sure I'm not
>>doing something wrong. I tried to save a document with a page background
>>graphic in .DOC format. It saved the document but not the background. If
>>saved in .ODT format everything saved fine. Is there some option I need
>>to enable to save page backgrounds when saving in .DOC format, or have I
>>hit a bug?
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