Henrik Sundberg wrote:
2005/11/12, mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
What would be more reasonable would be a plug-in interface to a CM tool,
such as CVS, or Subversion.

I agree. I don't want my documents to grow indefinitely, And I don't
want to export all versions of my documents.
But can Subversion handle OpenDocuments in a good way?

Haven't worked with that - of F/OSS CM tools, I've only worked with sccs and CVS. But as the person below suggests, unless you save it as XML, there *is* no way for any revision control system to treat it as other than binary, because it *is* a binary file. That includes M$ Word and zipfiles. If anyone wants to argue, then *please* go do some research first, and see what these words actually mean, and not just fling 'em around like magic spells.

I haven't looked closely enough, but you can store single files, not only whole directory trees. CVS *does* want to extract it to a specific directory (sorry, folder to all you GUI addicts <g>), but you can check out and check in one file.

<puts on configuration management hat>
One thing that you *REALLY* *NEED* to do, when you check something in, is make comments (you *will* always be prompted for them) as to *what* the changes were about, not just "updated document" - that's *utterly* useless to you in three months, or if someone else needs to check out the document, or pull out an older revision.

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