Ian Lynch wrote:
On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 18:38 +0000, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:

Ian Lynch wrote:

On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 07:45 -0700, Robin Laing wrote:



You're showing my age, Ian! It was 640 Kb of RAM.

That was Robin :-) There was also a story that Bill Gates visited Acorn
Computers in Cambridge in the early 80s and they asked him if he would
like to see their new low cost network called Econet. Apparently he said
"What's a network?" :-) He was pretty late into that too. So it would be
a mistake to write him off just because he is lagging behind again. But
the climate has changed in the last 5 years so its not going to be as

Man you are right.  It was 640K, not 640M.  Ouch.

I remember my Vic 20 with 8K of ram with a home made expansion pack.

How things have changed.  300baud modems to DSL and fiber.

Of course TV was from 1 or 2 channels to 500. I still can only watch one at a time though. Now if I could convince my wife to let me put a few more TV's in the living room. I can see it now, slap! then the No!. :)

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