Dear Sirs.

After downloading and installing OOo 2.0 for both Windows, and Linux (i86) I was gratified to find that in the Windows version I can at least import tables from an M$ Access database. I was extremely disapointed however to find that the same capability does not exist in the Linux version. On top of that disapointment, when I saved an imported database in the Windows version of OOo, the Linux version would not open it. While some work has been done on the OOo Base application, a lot of work remains to be done. If M$ Office users are going to switch from M$ Access to OOo Base, ALL versions (Windows and Linux) of the app need to be able to open an M$ Access database, and save it to an OOo database and have EVERYTHING work exactly as it did in M$ Access. Nothing less will satisfy most M$ Access users. While such a conversion might be complex, even requiring another external app, it should be possible. The other OOo apps that I have tried work very well (I have never been an M$ Word fan...Wordperfect is much much better!). I hope that work will continue on the Base app to make it capable of complete conversion of M$ Access Databases to OOo database format. Keep up the good work, and thanks for a good alternative to Micro$haft software!


Martin                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]            KBØHAE
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