Ian Lynch wrote:
On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 09:58 -0600, Randomthots wrote:

If I'm not actively concerned about cross-platform and/or cross-application compatibility, then XML is mostly meaningless to me.

But anyone an use that argument about any feature of MSO 2003. I don't
need it so its no improvement over OOo. This was your basic argument.
OOo was no improvement over MSO XXX - I just gave you a couple of
examples of why it is.

I'm confused, Ian. That's exactly the argument you're giving vis-a-vis the advanced functions in Outlook vs. Evolution or TB+Cal. Why is it valid in one circumstance, but not in another? Furthermore, I'm not arguing that XML is a bad thing, nor am I parroting Chad's preference for MSO formats.

All I'm saying is that for the files that *I* create with *my* copy of OOo on *my* computer for *my* consumption, ODF doesn't offer any real advantages. In fact, unless I have need to share that file with someone, the file format is of little consequence either way. Thus far, on those occasions when I *have* needed to send someone else a file (mostly just homework assignments) I have had to save as .doc or export to pdf. I look forward to the day when that isn't necessary.

I should amend the above paragraph, because the truth is that ODF has been a real *disadvantage* on at least one occasion; I wasted a fair amount of time trying to save and a load a large spreadsheet in ods. Ultimately, I gave up and used Excel for the project.

What concerns me is the attitude that certain features of upper-tier software shouldn't even be on the radar for the future.

I think making the code more efficient would be a better use of
resources than re-inventing E-mail clients.

1. I haven't suggested re-inventing an email client; I'm perfectly happy with a partnership with an existing project. But it needs to be a partnership with a project that is willing to shift direction a bit in order to achieve the kind of integration that's needed.

2. Even if OOo did decide to incorporate an email client on its own, it would be more of a resurrection than a new birth. As I understand it, SO5.2 had an e-mail module and much of the code still exists.

3. It wouldn't just be an email client anyway. If that's all we were talking about I wouldn't even be in this conversation. I'm talking about a well-integrated email/calendar/pim. *You* and others like to speak of it as an email client because that's an easy strawman to strike down.

4. When do you get done making the code more efficient? When is it efficient enough? Is there a specific target? Or is it like our War on Terror; a venture that could potentially never end and is used primarily as an excuse to do or not do other things?

So what's the strategy? Is there one?

That is a good question, and it would have been a better focus to start
with. My personal preference would be to make the code more efficient,
and capable of running on PDAs etc. before starting on major projects
like an E-mail client that others are already working on. Better to
contribute to those projects if you think they are the key.

What makes you think that making OOo capable of running on PDA's is any more important than anything else? Personally, I care as much about running OOo on a PDA as you care about an integrated pim. Which is to say, not much. But unlike you, I'm willing to recognize that even if something isn't important to me personally, it may very well be important to the project as a whole.

So I'm not going to poo-poo the idea of an OOo-lite. But from other messages on this forum by people that know more about it than I do, it sounds like that would be a *huge* project. A hell of a lot bigger than creating a pim. After all, what's a pim basically? Just a set of relational database tables with a convenient front end. Well, what do you know? OOo has database functionality built in. In theory, I could build one with Base right now if I were clever enough. All I would be missing is the communication functions.

Compare that to KMyMoney. That program is shaping up very nicely. If they only had a Windows port, it would be perfect.

Start a project then.

The final rejoinder designed to shut someone up, "Quit whining, and code it yourself, then." I've actually thought about it, but I just don't have the time right now, and I probably will never have the talent.



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