  This is a good idea.I am ready to volunteer.I can devote around an hours time 
for the same.
  Dibya Prakash

CPHennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On Sat December 10 2005 17:07, Roger Markus wrote:
> There is a solution to the recent problem of the list having gone off the
> tracks. There should be a moderator, with all incoming mail read by this
> moderator and either passed, held or deleted. Offensive language,
> name-calling, and most importantly, Microsoft propaganda should be deleted.
> The Microsoft trolls will cry "censorship", but it's not - it's filtering.
> Filter out the Microsoft disinformation and the list can take on meaning
> once again. This will result in a delay of up to 24 hours for some
> messages, but it's a small price to pay to rid us of Microsoft PR-spin on
> the list. As it stands, the list is regularly hijacked by MS trolls. The
> slightest criticism of illegal Microsoft or support for Open Source
> competitors to Microsoft send the attack dogs into a frenzy. Let's put up
> a fence and keep them out! Remember, we're not dealing with friendly or
> legal people here! Possibly the biggest single threat to Microsoft's
> monopoly is OpenOffice - given their track record, do you honestly think
> they would ignore this list?

Nice idea, but are you willing to be the moderator and to give the appropriate 
amount of time each day ( at least 1 hour) to do this ?

CPH : OpenOffice.org contributor

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