On Dim 11 décembre 2005 11:55, M. Fioretti wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 11:11:00 AM +0100, Gianluca Turconi
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>> Same thing for Mozilla or Gnome, I think.
> Yes, of course the same problems in any big project.

OO.o is competing with all the other foss projects for volunteers.

That means that people who could contribute small fixes, detailled bug
reports/testing (which costs real money if you don't have a good beta
tester program), will do so for the projects who bother to answer them

And you may dismiss bug reports as "whining" but that's the stuff that
avoids you sinking years of development in features no one's interested in
(for example, the old staroffice "desktop")

And sure you don't owe anything to these people, they owe you since the
work of writing the actual program is much higher than reporting a few
warts, but they owe many other projects not just yours and it's only human
they'll tend to contribute to the friendlier projects.

That is, the projects where you actually see developpers on the public
lists, and can give them your opinion directly from time to time.

Nicolas Mailhot

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