The weasel word there is "can". It does seem that the "plea bargain" is used to roust competing software from the targeted company and replace it with only MS apps and systems, regardless of the original mix whether closed or open source. Novell's been hit hard by that.

That problem is also a direct impediment for OpenOffice as any plea bargain with MS will almost certainly have some combination of carrot and stick to get the company to rollout the latest MSO.

        Software patents endanger the legal certainty of software.
        Keep them out of the EU by writing your MEP, keep the market open.

On Sat, 10 Dec 2005, CPHennessy wrote:
Any company using pirated software can be brought to court. they can
also reach a "plea bargin" with the original proprietary companies to
retroactively license their software.

This is not a reason to despise Microsoft, rather it is a reason to use open
source software.

Now is there some question about is this discussion ?

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