On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 15:21:52 PM +0100, Gigi Bigio

> Dear Sirs,
> since a few months ago the Italian Post Office services have allowed
> users to send Registered letters through PCs. This useful programme
> however only works if Microsoft Word and Excell are
> installed. 


this was discussed in the Italian mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Check their archives for more information, because
I seem to remember that there was some way to do what you say with
Free SW. Besides that, note that we should also complain with the Post
Office. It's their fault if they broke something that really didn't
need it.


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

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