On 14 Jan 2006 at 13:16, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:

> The number of times we see questions relating to the difficulty of
> printing envelopes - often compared with the ease of use of other
> products - suggests that it would be useful to automate the process.
> A simple, extensible database of printers, holding manufacturers,
> types and envelope printing position(s), would enable this with no
> great difficulty and customer satisfaction would be increased out of
> proportion to the effort involved.
> If enough people agree I will generate an appropriate RFE and see
> where it gets us.

I don't think a lot needs to be done regarding ease of use.  OOo 
provides almost the same functionality, in much the same way as Word 
97, for instance. The only extras that I would like to see are:

- An envelope icon that I can put on the toolbar (with Customize) 
instead of the word 'Envelope'

- Automatic insertion of the Address using highlighted text in the main 
document (as Word does)

The big problem with envelope printing is that it has always been 
buggy.  1.1.4 was getting there but 2.0 betas regressed to old bugs 
which may still be unresolved.  OOo has a good list of envelope sizes 
(plus User Defined) and the rest should be down to the printer drivers.


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