But as I understand it, and speak up with corrections, MOOX and the earlier MS XML formats are incomplete and that they are a marketing response to OpenDocument's development.

That is you cannot take what MS has documented and implement a working format, too many key components are wrapped up in the binary extensions. So in short it's not quite truthful to compare MOOX with OpenDocument. OpenDocument is complete. MOOX only works if you add in MS' proprietary, binary extensions.

So to fall back on the tired old metaphors that always seem to fit MS too well, MOOX is a copy of OpenDocument in the same way orcs wer a copy of elves.

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On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Daniel Carrera wrote:
The MS Office format is largely derivative of OpenDocument. I probably shouldn't say "obviously" because that's only obvious to someone familiar with the format.

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