Rigel wrote:

> Let me know if I should direct this to the developers list instead.
> Can I PLEASE get some feedback here? I try to cover worth while issues
> and often get few or no responses... :(
> Is there any way to make the logging feature of OOo run in a
> foreground state so I can see everything as it happens? This way I
> when "I" or "Anyone else" send in an error report we can specificaly
> say. "I did this, and the at that moment the log file registered
> that." In this way, the developers and debug team could have a direct
> correlation every step of the way if some users want to be generous
> enough to identify the exact moment in time that something happened.

This is a topic that was discussed in development also. Sometimes we
would love to have some information about what the user actually had
done before a crash appeared and add that information to the crash report.

There are several different "tools" in OOo that can track user actions:
Undo, Change Tracking and Macro Recording. While the first has by far
the best coverage (nearly every user action leaves a trace in the Undo
buffer) it is the least specific - it does only tell what was done but
not where. The other two are much more specific but OTOH for different
reasons have a much smaller coverage. Change Tracking only deals with
text and its attributes, the incomplete coverage of the Macro Recorder
is caused by bugs (and Draw/Impress lack the recorder anyway). You also
have to switch it on and leave it on all the time to use it for crash
reports - usually not an option.

OK, let's assume we'd go for adding the content of the Undo buffers of
all open documents to crash reports. Now we have the problem that
"unfortunately" users might not want to log their actions and get this
"phoned home". Do you remember the roar when it was revealed that iTunes
sends data to a server (let alone all the stories about the "evil
empire" ;-))?

This sets a clear limit: you must make sure that no user unintentionally
sends out data he doesn't want to be sent so it must be a special
explicit action that adds the content of the Undo buffers to the crash
report. I'm afraid that most users wouldn't do this even if they didn't
see a privacy problem involved, just because each extra action necessary
for a feature makes its usage less probable.

So currently it could be that the result wouldn't be worth the effort,
but perhaps our discussion can reveal some new facts?!

BTW: any other "logging" that could be extended to a full debug mode is
not available. If we had a way to precisely log what exactly a user has
done to his document you can be sure that our macro recorder would be
much better. :-)

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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