On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 11:06 -0500, James Walker wrote:

> With all the discussions on "code bloat" wouldn't all of these Easter 
> Eggs add to that problem.
> How much code do these things add to the overall size of OOo and will 
> removing them help bring that down just a bit.

It will make some difference but maybe not that much. I had a better
space invades game on a BBC B 20 years ago in 32k. Also photo images
compress well so it "probably" shouldn't be too bad - OTOH it does
depend how weel those apps were written.

> Maybe we should ask the developers what they think and then see where it 
> goes from there.

Yes, question is how to do it if the issue once raised is immediately
closed in IZ. The obvious thing would be for the Marketing Lead to talk
to them.


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