Yes, it would slow things down for a while, but as Robert mentioned OOo would probably just fork and there would be a substantial delay while things get re-organized.

MS had been bothering Sun earlier, but I think that it's more likely that this is part of or an offshoot from the MSO 2007 advertising campaigns. We had those articles which Louis had to shoot down recently and now this.

If OOo (or any other producitvity suite) gains significantly in market share, it will not be possible to charge monopoly rents for MSO and when those 80% profit margins go away it may be enough to push MS into the red (again[1] or for good). At which point, the market will open up again.


        Software patents endanger the legal certainty of software.
        Keep them out of the EU by writing your MEP, keep the market open.

On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, Ian Lynch wrote:
That would certainly slow things down for a while but it would not
necessarily kill OOo. It might even be that OOo would rebound even
stronger, but that is just speculation.

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