Daniel Carrera wrote:
Neither Sun nor Google have enough money to buy the other. The two companies have similar revenue ($11b for Sun, $6b for Google).

I have no idea if this is true or not of course, but the revenue comparison is totally irrelevant. The more relevant numbers are market capitalization and Google has a great, steaming pile of that. It's not unheard of for a smaller company to buy out a larger one anyway. These deals are all about stock; cash may or may not enter into the picture.

 If Google
*did* have enough revenue, it doesn't seem right to buy a company with decreasing revenue.

That happens all the time. Generally, the declining company is subsequently cannibalized, half the staff is laid-off, and the profitable bits are sold again.

 Also, Sun's business model is diametrically opposite
to Google's.

I'm not sure what you mean here. It seems to me that Sun's main business is providing the kind of equipment that is central to Google's business model. Maybe they see a possible synergy.



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