I am the "devil incarnate" who wrote the "RevealCodes" macro as a proof
of concept - it is certainly not a fully functional macro. However, it
could be if people actually showed sufficient interest to get involved.

Styles versus reveal codes

In my opinion WordPerfect was a good word processor - better than
Microsoft Word. It had both styles and reveal codes. Thus it is not an
either or situation.

It is true that OpenOffice.org and Microsoft Word internally work with
objects rather then a string of codes and text as WordPerfect did

It is true that the reveal codes functionality is not necessary to be
able to use Writer, but it is also true that one way of seeing what is
stored in the internal object model is some form of "reveal codes", and
that this information can be useful in working out what is happening.

In my opinion using something like the reveal codes macro would
encourage people to use styles rather than direct formatting. My opinion
is based upon personal experience of having taught students to use
WordPerfect and Microsoft Word. When students "saw" the mess that direct
formatting made of their document they wanted to use styles.

I have been criticised for not releasing a hack that I did for revealing
the codes in Calc - but it was even buggier than what I have written for
Writer. I have had compliments and derision for what I have done so far
in the reveal codes macro. But, from memory, only one person has ever
sent me any code. The most common suggestion is "make it work like
WordPerfect" without thinking that there are conceptual differences that
make this extremely difficult. Yes a number of people say they would
like this feature but how many are actually willing to put time into
coding or even testing and providing feedback?

Alternatives to reveal codes

Status quo: see effective format of current selection by opening format
paragraph and format font dialogs. Check against format of paragraph
style and character styles.

Low level XML editor: this is my preferred choice. To me it would be
great to be able to go View > XML and see the current document in a low
level XML editor.

For those that want it reveal codes functionality can be useful, and it
should encourage people to use styles. However, a potentially better
solution would be to have a low level XMl editor.

This thread belongs in the discussion forum rather than users so I have
posted this message there as well.

Thanks, Ian

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