On Sat, Apr 15, 2006 11:41:21 AM +0000, CPHennessy

> 2) Many will not even know that discuss@openoffice.org is a mailing
> list, nor even how a mailing list works  
> 4) We should also CC: the posters of messages that contain a
> "Delivered-to: moderator" header since they are from users who are
> not subscribed and thus they would otherwise not see our responses.

I have explained at length why this is a very inefficient and (for
subscribed users) annoying practice at least two times, and how things
could be automated. The first 2 years ago (1), the second last july
(2). The second time everything stopped when I asked you, more or less
"please let me know off list how your machine is set up so I can help
you to test the solution I have proposed". Since I received no answer
to that, I am now just sending to the trash all the threads born by
this practice.

> 8) Adhere to the usual Netiquette 

As an addition to this, please everybody: bottom quote, top quote,
whatever, but remember to trim as much as possible when you reply on
public lists. Do not repost 100 lines of text just to add "I agree".


(1) Thread on users list: "new solution for unsubscribed users, was:
                          Who is CPH?", april 2004

(2) Thread on this list: "Peter, and other volunteers, please stop
                        duplicate messages", july 2005

Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right
                                           Salvor Hardin , "Foundation"

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