Chad Smith wrote:
On 7/5/06, Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lets see.

Vista is beta software.

IE7 is beta software.

True. But both will be used by a large number of people, and I, for one, am
grateful that we have volunteers who are testing OOo on those betas to see
if there is anything *we* need to change before Vista ships.

MS is known for not following and working with web standards.

Also true - but I'll tell you what they are known for - being the most used
operating system, web browser, and office suite in the world today.  As a
web designer - I hate Internet Explorer.  But I still make sure my sites
work in it, because I know that's what a vast majority of people use.

If a Windows/IE user comes to to try to get the software, and
the site doesn't work - I doubt very highly that they will ever try the
program.  The impression would be that can't build a website
correctly - so how can they build a good office suite?  Not a good way to
bring people into open source.  Not a good first impression.  And it's
especially bad if the flaw (which may not be a flaw in web complience - but
possibly a bug in IE) prevents them from downloading the program.

The question comes, is the page compliant with web standards?  If it is,

you may have found a bug in IE7 or Vista that should be addressed.  Have
  you submitted the info to MS?

I want IE 7 to be as good as possible - because the better (that is, more
web standard complient) it is, the easier it will be for me to build
websites. However, the OP submitting a bug report to MS will only help them
get a better browser (if it does any good at all).  But assuming it's not a
bug, or at least that it's not a bug that will get fixed - we, the OOo
community, need to be aware of the problem, and be looking for a
workaround.  You may hate IE as much as I do, maybe more - but standards or
no standards - if it doesn't work in IE - to the vast majority of the
Internet - it doesn't work.

BTW, what link were you using?

That would be good to know.

Lighten up Chad. I did say that if there is a problem with the site then it should be fixed. As with MS not following standards and if the site is standards compliant, then MS has a bug as they are saying they are going to make IE7 work with the Standards.

I will never design a site that is not W3C compliant. FWIW, I know that Firefox isn't fully CSS compliant but that means the complaint goes to the Firefox development team, not the designer of the WWW site.

Just the same as the MS only Java called for a complaint to those that developed sites that would not work with Sun Java. I didn't complain to Sun, but to the site designers.

Lets put the onus on where the blame lays.
Robin Laing

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