On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 11:55 +1000, André Wyrwa wrote:

>  And don't come me with
> performance concerns. It's the least these users bother about.

Quite so, if performance had been an issue in the days of the early PCs
no-one would be using anything vaguely related to a PC when Acorn, Amiga
and probably just about every other microcomputer could outperform a PC
with a lot less in the way of hardware resources and for less money.
What matters is confidence and confidence grows with take up and
consensus. It can grow from grass roots as has happened with open source
or from adoption by big companies and governments as happened with the
IBM PC and clones and is beginning to happen with open source too now.
Technical issues at the margins make little difference to Joe Sixpack.
He will just follow the herd. The main gains for Open Source are still
in the informed early adopter phase and until that take up is exhausted,
its probably a waste of time trying to get uninformed individuals to
switch. Possibly even counter-productive because if anything goes wrong
they will blame the technology and be put off trying again even when the
technology is ready and they are ready for it. Social behaviour takes
time to change and take up of technology is more a social issue than a
technological one once the core applications are in place.

Ok this is more marketing strategy :-)


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