Hi, Neil,

OpenOffice.org Writer does have an HTML editor built in. Maybe that would meet the needs for a one-off class project. You can find it in the menu Open -> New -> HTML Document

There are plenty of other tools available that won't break your bank account.

Nvu is one,
Mozilla Composer is simpler one built into the web browser, but good,

Don't worry that they're not part of OOo.  They're good.

I've taught basic web design a few times with Mozilla Composer at the university level for very non-technical staff and students. It was very easy to use and learn, and produced nice output.

DreamWeaver is what many professionals use, if they use that kind of tool. XMetal is another very good one, which has additional advantages. If there is reason to shell out good money, then these come with high recommendations. However, also keep in mind, if the topic comes up again, that many more professionals don't use any of the above, but simply write using XHTML.

The person recommending MS Frontpage should be admonished not only for wasting people's money on a dreadfully poor product, but also for promoting a tool that encourages poor design and creates output with severe technical limitations. It also produces further technical dependencies on unrelated products from the same company, resulting in further expenditures.

For a one-off course project, I'd recommend taking a look at what either Mozilla or OOo Writer has.

Best of luck,
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