Mart wrote:
> Hi,
> Its only a small thing. the way bullets and numbering work at the
> moment is...
> I type a line... set the bullet graphic and press enter this then
> creates another bullet underneath, which if i dont want  i can tap
> delete and i can carry on writing a standard line.
> But if i have a bullet, then create another bullet underneath this
> example:
>    > BULLET LINE 2
> if i now press return after bullet line 2 it will create another
> bullet line 2 like this
>    > BULLET LINE 2
>    > BULLET LINE 2 extra
> the trouble is, if i dont want another bullet line 2 underneath i
> cannot delete it because if i do it takes me back to writing a
> standard line. i have tried everything, what i would love to see is
> the delete key takes you back 1 bullet at a time, so i can be 4
> bullets lines in and each time i press delete it will take me back one
> stage.
> this stops me having to just write all of them out as heading and then
> press tab on each one after i have finished.

Just as tab indents to next level, shift+tab will do the reverse and
take you up a level


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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