On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 07:01 +0200, M. Fioretti wrote:
> Well said. I agree. Just note that this is an excellent summary of why
> almost all computer users will continue to ignore any rant on how good
> it is that the source of the software they use is available, or waste
> time migrating away from something they already know. 

Dealing with crashes (like the Windows "blue screen") is time well
spent, but learning how to escape the problems of non-free software is
all of a sudden a "waste [of] time"? That doesn't make sense to me. Then
again, I don't own Microsoft stock.

> Most people don't want to live in a world where "software doesn't
> suck" (ESR) or "they can't share knowledge with their fellow (!!!)
> programmers" (RMS). They want to live in a world where they can get
> things done *ignoring* how their software and that of their partners
> was developed.

This appears to me to be a contradictory statement. Being able to use
software that just works, to me, implies that in general people would be
happier with free software.

I have never had problems with OO.o crashing on me. The worst that
happened, was during the migration from the old 1.1 and prior format to
OpenDocument, I had several glitches tracked down, eventually, to using
styles called "Default" inappropriately. (Note to others: don't name
things "Default" unless you're ready for bizarre side effects.) I cannot
sing the same praises for Microsoft's products, or in one case, even for
FreeBSD (which I no longer use).

Shawn K. Quinn

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