On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 19:28 +0100, Mathias Bauer wrote:
> Moritz Duge wrote:
> > Hey I'm Moritz and I use OpenOffice.org since a long time and I'm
> > always trying to tell more people about it. I always welcome it if
> > you add new great fetures like the Base-Modul which became very
> > useful to me. So in last time I heard about the Mail-Client of
> > Mozilla should be integrated into OpenOffice.org. I think that's a
> > great idea, because it makes one easy usable and hopefully completely
> > integrated package for the users.
> > 
> > But there is one problem about the Mozilla-Mail-Client I have: It
> > doesn't support the MS-Exchange-Server or one of it's OpenSource
> > alternatives. But this is a very important feature of Outlook
> > specially in companies, also the one I work at. As long as you can't
> > use an Exchange-Server or something equal with Mozilla it won't be
> > realistic for many companies to use Mozilla. So I'm asking why the
> > Mozilla-Mail-Client? Why don't you try to integrate Evolution? It's
> > It has all the Groupware features to use the MS-Exchange-Server! A
> > Windows port has already been started and at Linux it's already a
> > well usable program.
> Most OOo users are Windows users and the Evolution port on Windows is
> nearly unusable (and nobody believes that will change anytime soon).
> And Evolution on a MAC? The brave OOo MAC porters will be very thankful
> if they don't need to do another Aqua port. ;-)
> But the good news for you is that we will have connectors to backends
> (including Exchange) for Lightning also. As the Sun engineers are doing
> the main work here we started with our own calendar backend (Sun
> calendar) so that we can use it internally for extensive testing. It
> works great! I have no doubt that it will work great also with the
> future Exchange backend.
> We see a brighter future for Thunderbird and Lightning as a
> cross-platform PIM than we do for Evolution.
> Ciao,
> Mathias

It is nice to hear that the evolution port to Windows is almost useless
because the Linux version that I am using is almost useless as well.

I for one will be happy the day that I can get back to Thunderbird.

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