
Did anyone else test the Novell extension (odfconverter-1.0.0-2.oxt)
in OpenOffice 2.1 ?

I tried the following:

* On OO.o 2.1 on Windows XP SP2
* download the file odfconverter-1.0.0-2.oxt
* go to > Tools > Extension Manager
* added the .oxt file to "My Extensions"
 (this gives a Warning:
  "the media type is not supported application/octet-stream"
  but still install the extension, which also does save files)
* restarted OO.o
* I wrote a file with the text "hello world"
* Save As: ".docx" format

The resulting file looks like a legitimate .docx file when inspecting the xml.

But, I cannot open the resulting file in the combination of:
* MS Office 2003
* MS Office compatibility pack (Beta release)
(this set-up does work on other .docx files)

Also with OO.o + this extension, I failed to open an existing simple .docx
file (that document in the OO.o interface just hangs forever).

Maybe, this extension was not designed to work in the standard OO.o environment
(only in the Novell environment) ?

How could I test the technical merit of this extension ?

I try to attach the resulting file (don't know if this will pass
through the mailing list).



Attachment: hello-world.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

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