Hi there!

Here at OpenOffice.org we have both types of developers those being paid by a company and enthusiasts working on it in their spare time. It´s fair to say that currently most work done on the source code for OpenOffice.org is paid work. The OpenOffice.org Community does though not only consist of developers, but also users helping each others, translators, people doing marketing etc. etc. and so there´s lots of unpaid community-"work" going on around OpenOffice.org. See on the following page how YOU can contribute: http://contributing.openoffice.org/index.html.

And bye the way: Those developers which are free enthusiast may sometimes have luck and get sponsored eg. get monetary help for visiting OOo conferences or something like this. You can donate money too to make such things happen, if you like too ;-), see above mentioned page for details.

The following table is a statistic about changes to files in the source code with different types of files counted seperately and their changers belonging to a company or belonging to the group individual developers on the 680 source code line. Every change to a file is counted equally here no matter how big or small it was so this statistic can give only a rough estimation. What you can see clearly tough here is that Sun is the biggest contributor to OpenOffice.org and you can also see who other known players are.

Developer Group| Build | Code | Documentation | Image | Other |Template
unknown        |      9|    82|              0|   4780|     17|   0
Sun            |  12324|106321|           8423|  29054|  18519|6081
Individual     |    842|  2554|             98|    206|    846| 997
RedHat         |    394|  2383|              0|      0|    111|   0
Debian         |    294|   114|              1|      0|    109|   0
Novell         |    217|  2041|              3|   3118|    832|   1
Bureau Cornavin|     21|    93|              2|      0|      9|   0
Fabalabs       |     11|    40|              0|      0|      1|   0
Google         |      4|  7945|              4|      0|     71|   0
Propylon       |      1|     2|              0|      0|      0|   0
Mandrake       |      3|     0|              0|      0|      4|   0
INdT           |      1|     0|              0|      0|      6|   0

That statistic was created round about one hour ago.

See also:

PS: Some other statistic [not made up by myself like the above one ;-) ] from some EU report I have recently seen even talks about Sun being the company contributing most to open source projects worldwide besides indiviual contributors.

Bye the way Sun´s Homepage is here: http://www.sun.com/

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

Alvin Lim Liangce wrote:

Just wondering about this. Not sure if this is the right place to send the question, or whether the answer is already available somewhere, but I'm really curious:

When you developers work on open-source projects for OpenOffice, are you paid by your company to do so, or do you do it primarily because of interest, during your own free time outside of working hours?

Also, just want to say thanks for the great job! I never use MS Office anymore, except during my finance class where Excel knowledge is compulsory. But even then, doing everything on Calc first is so much easier for me.


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