
On 2007-04-04, at 15:41 , Michael Adams wrote:

On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 13:54:36 -0400
edward vergnaud wrote:


I have paid $ 11.99 for the version 2.1. After I upgrade this version
to 2.2 I got the feeling that this is a free software and I was not
supposed to pay anything.

It is free software. That freedom includes the right to sell it. Usually
to recoup the cost of burning a CD. You also have the freedom to buy a
CD, or download the program for nothing from the website. So no, you
weren't really had.

Hope that helps.

Linux: The OS people choose without $200,000,000 of persuasion.

Thanks, Michael.

To add a little: OOo tries to work with sellers to ensure that a) they distribute accurate versions of OOo (basically, the same as what is available from the site; they can add other materials as they please) and b) to further promote the community. We list CDROM distributors at http://distribution.openoffice.org/cdrom/

We also list, in this vein, consultants offering support and help for OOo users on http://bizdev.openoffice.org/consultants.html

I am, all the same, weekly sent mail by people outraged that someone should be selling OOo via eBay or simply online. I check every site. Most are abiding by the law and the source is freely obtainable and they have not used our trademark or graphics without our permission. But some are not, and those I politely ask to change their ways, pointing out that the law is on our side. They usually change their ways.


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