On Sun, 8 Apr 2007, Alvin Lim Liangce wrote:

Besides, what did MS do as a corporation that is morally wrong?
... But I will term them 'immoral' only if I hear about a special Microsoft unit where the employees work on creating viruses to break down competing products. ...

That's a rather narrow definition, about as close as you are going to get would be AARD. Also, look up SMB2. Look at the Keep-Alive problem and broken HTTP requests. Look at Kerberos. Look at LDAP. Look at the Sun/Java case. Look at the applications delivered for OS/2. Look at BeOS vs the boot loader. Look at ODBC with non-MS products. The list goes on and on. You can find material basically from each and every year going back to MS DOS.

You also have examples of continuing to break European trade law with WMP/WMA/WMV. Or you can recall from US DOJ vs MS apparent perjury from several MS executives as well as the forged video evidence from the same trial.

However, all that aside, OOo is by my experience faster and more stable than MS Office *and* most importantly runs on multiple platforms. Get back to me when MS Office runs on linux, Solaris or BSD.

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