Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:
Hi Stephan,

Sorry this feedback is rather late. Anyway, I am completely confused by what you propose.

Some things in your mail make me think you read the old css.util.logging
API, not the new one. Sure you visited

Ha! I clicked the wrong link in your original post, yes. (Which would not have happened if the links had been inline. Are footnoted links a bad idea in emails? Maybe.)

Will have a look inside your zip, then...

Sorry for the delay:

- Should not the singleton be called "theLoggerPool" instead of "LoggerPool"?

- Is the LoggerPool overkill? (Why not theDefaultLogger as a singleton and arbitrarily named loggers as services?)

- What are the initial values of the Encoding, Formatter, Level attributes of the ConsoleHandler, FileHandler services? (The ConsoleHandler curiously uses a component context value to override the Level, instead of a constructor argument, and instead of having this consistent across attributes and services.)

- LogRecord members SourceClassName, SourceMethodName (and XLogger.logp parameters SourceClass, SourceMethod, curiously with different names): If at the level of UNO, class does not make sense. If at the level of implementation, neither class nor method make sense in general.

- LogRecord member ThreadID: UNO's notion of threads is rather abstract, there is no universal concept of mapping threads to hyper values. (URP uses a mapping from threads to strings.)


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