On Tue, 8 May 2007, M. Fioretti wrote:
Just out of curiosity, have you already tried to explain them that
sending their words as email body, rather than as an attachment (Word
or OpenDocument doesn't matter) is much better for lots of reasons? It
costs less if one is on a metered connection, is much less likely to
get labeled as spam, it will never cause compatibility problems and so

The last time some students tried to send me binary attachments, I pointed out the security implications and to resources where the students could make their own conclusions.

However, what had the large impact was not security nor metered connections, but the cost of disk space. I did an impromptu analysis and found that attaching an MS Word document instead of using plaintext in the body increased the size of the message by about 2 orders of magnitude, at least for rather short (1-2) page messages. The conclusion there: using MS Word attachments ultimately increase your storage costs by about 100.

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